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Data Receiver - Site Setup dialog

This dialog appears if you do the following:

Use the Site Setup dialog to store the reference measurement received from a third-party Data Collector that controls a total station, to specify the station setup mode and required backsight points, and to perform reference measurements with specified settings.

Note - When the data stream is open and a round measurement is running, the module automatically creates new points and assigns the raw measurements. After a round measurement, the stream will be closed. Now, you can specify the backsight points and the stationing mode.

Tip - Only if the Site Setup dialog is opened in the UI while the measurement is received by the Data Receiver, an Engine processing terrestrial data sends a reference measurement of a point to an attached Integrity Monitor. Therefore, it is a good idea to always keep the Site Setup dialog open, if data streams containing new points may arrive. Otherwise, Integrity Monitor modules under Terrestrial Engines and Integrated Survey Engines may not show the new reference measurement. There will be no update of the Integrity Monitor values until further round measurements have arrived.

Configure Point List group

Use the settings of this group to view the target points measured in a reference measurement.

Tip - The list is read-only, if the stream control option Overwrite all is selected.

By default, the list displays the Target Name of the target points in the order as they come in with the data stream. Set the focus onto a target name to activate this target for the reference measurement. A check box left of the target name gives the current status of the target point:

No reference measurement available yet.

Reference measurement successfully performed; raw measurement data in three directions are available in both faces.

To update the reference measurement of a particular point, do the following:

After the next round has finished, this point's reference measurement will be updated. Therefore, its check box will be selected again.

Remove button

Deletes the currently selected point from the list of configured points, if you do not need it anymore. The point will not be removed from the system-wide point list. If later the data stream again provides measurements for this point, it is added automatically to the site setup.

Disable button

Temporarily disables the selected point(s), that is excludes it from the list of points to be measured in the rounds to come. Multiple selection using the Shift key is possible. In the list, disabled points are grayed out. Disabled points remain part of the point list of the site and keep their reference values. They will neither be processed nor respected for alarming, even if measurements are available.

Enable button

Enables the selected, disabled point(s) for being measured in a round. Multiple selection using the Shift key is possible.

Reference Measurement group

The instrument and target point properties are used for correcting the target information.

Target height: Specifies the height of the target prism above ground point.

Prism constant: Specifies the prism constant of the target prism, that is a correction to the measured slope distance. The correction is necessary because the prism reflector surface is not directly above the survey point being measured. Typically, the constant is a negative value.

Target information

The text boxes of the Reference Measurement group are filled with information on the site setup during the reference measurement. Measured values are the following, both in face 1 and face 2:

EDM distance: Distance of the prism from the Electronic Distance Measurement device. In the selected length unit.

Hz circle reading: The horizontal angle between reference circle 0 and pointing direction. In degrees.

V angle: The vertical angle between total station and prism. In degrees.

Station Setup group

Use the drop-down button of the Mode field to select a method of station setup, one of the following:

Tip - If you perform a resection, make sure the grid coordinates of the total station point are set to Unknown. Only unknown coordinates of monitored points are re-computed.

Instrument height: Specifies the height of the total station above ground point. Read-only.

Station point: Displays the point name of the total station point. Read-only.

Selecting backsight points

Depending on the selected method of station setup one, two, or more backsight points must be specified. The Backsights field displays the names of the selected target points. To add or edit target points, click the browse button. The Point Information dialog appears displaying a pre-selection of those points which have already been defined for the selected total station site. To select a point, set the focus on its name and click OK. Typically, backsight points should have control quality.

Tip - For the Station Setup and the Station Setup Plus modes, the total station point must provide control coordinates.

Stream Control group

Use the controls of this group to open or close the data stream, and to specify how new measurements are stored.

Button Stream Open

Opens the data stream. When the stream is open, the dialog is in a read-only status. The site setup automatically matches the incoming value to the points.

Button Stream Open


Closes the data stream.

Overwrite all: Default selection. If selected, new measurements arriving for existing points update the raw measurements and coordinates of these points.

Do not overwrite existing measurements: If selected, only measurements for new points are stored.

Status bar

At the left, the status bar displays status information, such as the connection status, stream status, or command failures. At the right, the current horizontal circle reading and vertical angle values of the total station tracker are shown.

See Also

Enable/Disable Points dialog

Point Information dialog

Terrestrial Engine RT - Processing rules

Integrated Survey Engine - Processing rules

Units displayed in the UI - The Display Options dialog

Data Receiver Properties - Round Settings

Data Receiver: Input of total station data using third-party software