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Chart view

Trimble 4D Control Server comes with several modules that output results in form of charts or graphs. To view a chart, click the respective tab in the information view of a module.

The charts have a set of chart options you can modify; you can switch curves on and off as desired, you can zoom into them, you can save their contents to graphic or data files, and you can print them.

Contents of a chart window

A chart consists of several regions: the most important being the plot area where the data is displayed in form of curves, optionally also in form of data point markers, and additional minima / maxima indicators.

Inside the plot area the title text at the top, the axes with their labels and the axis names, and the optional legend, which matches curve colors with curve names, may be switched on or off. The legend also acts as a curve selector. Specify which curves of the currently active chart you want to see or hide: Select the check box of a curve to display it, otherwise remove the check.

Tip - The title text refers to all modules (module type and configuration name) which contribute to the positions shown in the chart.

The plot area is framed on the left side and the bottom by the two axes. In the plot area, a grid can be switched on to simplify the graph interpretation.

The current data will be displayed in this plot area as a polygon-line connecting the data points.

If you hover the cursor over the chart, the set of x,y values of the current cursor position is displayed numerically below the graph. If the cursor is outside of the plot area, the values are extrapolated.

If more than one curve of data is available for display, a consistent set of colors is used. For example in the Integrity Monitor module chart view, each coordinate component displays in the same color (e.g. blue for D North), using different color depths to display the curves, data points, minima and maxima of the filtered and the unfiltered data.

The chart window is designed to be scalable: changing the size of the window will enlarge or shrink the view of the graph. In addition, the title, the axis names and the axis labels will follow. This way, you have the greatest freedom of choosing your personal view of the data: you can maximize one chart to fill the whole screen or you can display dozens of tiny charts in the main window, while still being able to see useful information.

The graph’s axes adjust automatically when you resize the window. Accordingly, the more space is available, the more “axis ticks” and labels will be displayed on an axis. The labels are always adjusted to display appropriate values, so for example no value like 1.66666666 will appear as a label.

Data points in the chart - Means, minima, maxima

The maximum number of displayed data points is adjustable. The chart functionality uses the information on available data and the maximum number of displayable data to compute averages from the adjacent data for each displayable data point. For example: If for a defined period there are 3600 values and the default setting of 200 data points applies, each data point represents the mean of 18 values. The data point displays in the middle of the covered time span.

These data points, of course, display a somewhat smoothed curve. You can display the minimum and maximum value of the period that has contributed to each data point as height bars; thus you can easily detect outliers. The bars appear in the same, but lighter color as the measurements they refer to.

Buttons in the chart:

Buttons let you toggle the display of graph elements. They have the same effect as the corresponding Chart Properties settings.

Button Show minima and maxima Toggles the display of minima and maxima

Button Show data markers Toggles the display of data point markers

Tip - The settings used to display charts are automatically saved when the Trimble 4D Control Server UI is closed.

See Also

Module Status and History views

Units displayed in the UI - The Display Options dialog

User rights

Views in the information area

In This Chapter

Zooming in chart views

General chart properties

Print Preview dialog - Printing charts

Export dialog - Saving and exporting charts