The antenna files
The Trimble common files which are subject to automatic update, if this features is enabled, include several antenna files.
ANTEX files
- IGS_antennas.atx provides the approved antenna corrections supplied by IGS.
- Trimble_antennas.atx at least provides two non-IGS antenna types (Unknown External and ADVNULLANTENNA), which can be used, if the actual antenna type is unknown. This may happen, when you insert station data from IGS site logs. Additionally, Trimble may provide new antenna calibrations, which have not yet been approved by IGS, using the Trimble_antennas.atx file.
- Corrections supplied by the ANTEX files are fed into the system and applied to the observations.
For a detailed description of the ANTEX file format refer to: .
Antennas.xml file
- The antennas.xml file contains a list of all antenna brands and types including dome description, which Trimble 4D Control Server supports.
- When viewing or editing station information: The antennas.xml file is the source for the selections available for the Manufacturer and Name properties in the Antenna Information category.
- The names of the antennas and domes are spelled conforming to the IGS conventions.
- The antenna types appearing in the RINEX output and IGS site logs depend on the names appearing in the antennas.xml file.
- Each antenna type and dome combination listed here is mapped to its Trimble-proprietary ID.
Using the common antenna files
You should not edit the antennas.xml file, since with the next automatic software update or with an update by download the file will be overwritten.