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Excel Worksheet Import Configuration dialog for importing station data

This dialog appears when you do the following:

  1. Start the Trimble 4D Control Server UI with Windows administrator rights.
  2. From a station data dialog, such as the Station Information (GNSS) dialog, select the Import > Excel Worksheet command for importing station data. A Windows file importer dialog opens.
  3. Select and open an Excel file containing station data in data formats which Trimble 4D Control Server support.

Use the dialog to select a worksheet from the import file, to assign Excel column headers to Trimble 4D Control Server properties, and to start the import of station data.

Tip - Imported station data will be available throughout the Trimble 4D Control Server system, independently of the currently active system configuration.

Warning - If previously any Excel file was not closed correctly and has to be recovered, the import might not function at once. First make sure that Excel is working as designed to.

Requirements for a valid Excel worksheet for station data to be recognized and imported

List of valid parameters and settings for station data to be imported from an Excel worksheet


Selecting the worksheet to be imported

Use the Excel Worksheet selection field for selecting the matching worksheet, if an Excel file contains more than one worksheets. By default, the first worksheet of an Excel file is selected.

Assigning Worksheet columns to station properties

The Excel Worksheet Import Configuration dialog displays two tables.

For the importer to assign the data of the worksheet to the station properties, it must know which Excel worksheet columns match the station properties.

For assigning columns of the Excel worksheet to properties, do one of the following:

If you later re-import data from an Excel worksheet whose column headers match those already assigned to properties, the Excel Column Assignment column of the right table will automatically be pre-filled with the matching column header.

Starting the import of station data

For reading in the data of the selected worksheet and starting the assignment of worksheet columns to station properties, accept the dialog. The following happens:

  1. Your standard text editor opens with the <Excel file name>.import.Log file displayed. This log file resides in your <user name>/AppData/Roaming folder. This file contains output messages of the INFO, WARN(ing), and ERRO(r) types. Use this file for a first information source on how well the import has succeeded.
  2. One of the following happens:

See Also

Importing station and receiver data into the system

System properties

System Properties dialog

Use of station data from IGS site logs