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FTP Mirror Jobs dialog

This dialog appears if you do one of the following:

Use the FTP Mirror Jobs dialog to view and edit FTP Mirror jobs.

Tip - Use the Properties view to view and edit the settings for a specific job: Select FTP Mirror in the Tree view. The FTP Mirror Status view displays the list of jobs. There, set the focus onto the job entry. (If the Properties view is not open, right-click the job entry in the FTP Mirror Status view, then select Properties from the shortcut menu.) The Properties view now displays the settings of all categories of the selected job.

List field

The dialog displays a list of all currently added jobs. Job names are defined by the Job description setting. If you add a new job, it appears under the default name FTP Job as long as you have not edited the Job description setting.

You must configure jobs first, before the FTP Mirror module can start transferring data. You may also remove a job from here, if you do not need it anymore.


Adds a new job to the list. To define its properties use the settings on the right side of the dialog.


Deletes the currently selected job(s) from the list.

General category

Edit the Job description setting to provide the name for the job or to change its name.

Run Settings category

Use the settings of this category to define when and how often the FTP Mirror executes data transfers.

To set the transfer interval (update rate) for data transfer, select the Repeat interval setting and enter a value in hours, minutes, days. To define when the FTP Mirror tries to repeat the job, if the last transfer has failed, edit the Repeat interval on failure setting in (days, ) hours, minutes, seconds in the [DDD.]HH.MM.SS format, where the day string needs not to be specified and may consist of up to 4 characters. The default value for both settings is every hour (01:00:00).

The Initial start time setting specifies the earliest time possible for starting the job. The FTP Mirror schedules the next possible run time by adding the transfer interval given in the Repeat interval setting to this time. The default value is the current date and time.

To stop all actions of the current FTP Mirror job, set the Paused setting to Yes. This action just cancels the current upload. To restart the job after acceptance (at the current time plus the time offset defined in the Initial start time setting), set it to No.

Tip - To pause or unpause multiple jobs at a single blow, go to the FTP Mirror Status module view: Select the respective jobs from the list, right-click to open the shortcut menu and select the Pause Job(s) or the Unpause Job(s) command.

Time Restriction category

Use the settings of this category to exclude certain time spans from scheduled data transfer. If your system does not, for example, create data files during weekends and night time, you may exclude these time spans from the schedule. The Daily run time setting restricts job execution for certain hours of the day. Click the drop-down arrow and drag the cursor over the rectangles to select a continuous time span. Make sure to leave the this field by setting the focus to any other setting, but not by accepting the settings (do not press the Enter key). Blue rectangles are selected for job execution. To select from the days of the week, click the Week days drop-down arrow and select the respective check boxes for each day of the week. To select all days of the week, click All, to deselect all days, click None.

FTP Mirror Job Settings category

The category collects the following settings that define file and folder options for the current job:

Source folder: The path to the source folder of the data files. To select the computer and the root folder to be monitored, click the browse button. The Folder Browser dialog appears. Only files within the selected folder and its sub-folders will be transferred to the FTP site.

File filters: The File filters property defines the type of files that will be transferred with this job. To view and edit the list of file types click the browse button. The File Filter Editor dialog appears. By default, all file types are selected. You may define specific file types instead, or remove file types from the list.

Warning: Make sure that when using wildcard characters no other files will be selected and deleted, which should not be deleted.

Destination folder: The target folder on the FTP site. Set the cursor into this field to edit the folder name manually. Use slashes for paths.

Invoke alarm: If set to Yes, an alarm will be issued by the Alarm Manager module, if the job could not be executed successfully. Be default, the property is set to No (no alarm is invoked).

Overwrite existing files: If set to Yes, files with the same file name will be overwritten at the target folders, if the source files are newer. Default: No - The file at the source folder will not be mirrored.

Minimum file age: A minimum file age for files to be transferred to the FTP server. Files with a time difference of file date and current date less than the value given here are not transferred. The default value is 00:00:00. The file age is given in the dd.HH:mm:ss format, where dd stands for days, HH for hours in the 24-hour format, mm for minutes and ss for seconds.

Maximum file age: A maximum file age in in dd.HH:mm:ss for files to be transferred to the FTP server. Files with a time difference of file date and current date greater than the value given here are not transferred. The default value is 00:00:00.

Delete files on FTP server: The following happens if this option is set to Yes: If any files or subfolders do not exist anymore on the local source folder, they are deleted as well on the remote FTP site, independent on the file mask configured in the File filters setting. By default the option is set to No. In this case, existing files on the FTP site persist until you delete them manually there.

FTP Server Settings category

The category collects the settings that define the connection settings for the current job:

Host name: Enter the FTP server's host domain name or its IP address. Be sure to only use slashes for paths.

Port number: The open port number at the FTP site host. The default command port number for FTP sessions is the port number 21.

User name: Edit the user name, if authentication is necessary.

Password: Edit a password, if authentication is necessary.

Use SSL: The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol is an encryption protocol which provides secure communication on the Internet. Select, whether authentication using SSL is necessary (Yes) or not (No).

Passive connection: If the access restrictions for the FTP client require that an FTP server is configured for passive mode only, set this option to Yes. The default setting is No, meaning there is no firewall between FTP server and FTP Mirror. For more information on passive connections click here.

Check communication: If you activate this setting, a button appears as value. The Run Communication Check button lets you test, whether the communication with the FTP server works fine using the settings specified in the FTP Server Settings category. The results of the test are displayed in the same value field.

See Also

Adding jobs to the FTP Mirror module

FTP Mirror Properties dialog

FTP Mirror Properties - General Settings

FTP Mirror - Passive mode FTP

Manually starting FTP Mirror jobs

File Filter Editor Dialog

Folder Browser dialog