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Use of station data from IGS site logs

Importing IGS Site Logs

Besides manually entering the settings, you can also import most of the station data from data files in the IGS site log format.

The IGS site logs are ASCII text files conforming to the format specified by the IGS Central Bureau. For detailed information on the file format, refer to

The site logs contain detailed information on site properties, such as position information, antenna information, meteorological information, and much more. After import of site log information, the global station list stores the information internally and makes it available to all Trimble 4D Control Server modules and other modern Trimble Infrastructure Solutions software.

IGS site logs maintain the history of the site information. When importing data from such a file, Trimble 4D Control Server always imports the last available entry, thus ensuring that the most up-to-date settings are used.

Trimble 4D Control Server supports the import of multiple site logs in one step. By selecting a folder, all .log files in this folder are imported. Trimble 4D Control Server recognizes matching files if the "Station Code / Four Character ID" within the IGS site log is identical to the Station code in the Trimble 4D Control Server global station list. During import, Trimble 4D Control Server compares its known station settings with those from the site logs, displays the differences in a comparison dialog and lets you discard the import of objectionable data.

Exporting IGS Site Logs

You can export station information to files in the IGS site log format. Export information includes the following:

See Also

Station Data Import dialog

System Properties dialog

Importing station data from IGS site logs