This dialog appears, if you do the following:
Use this dialog to configure operator teams and to specify their members.
An operator team is a group of users of the Operator access level, who all have the same access rights to specific module groups. That is, when configuring a module group, one selects the operator team, whose members will always be granted access rights to the modules belonging to this group. For times, when no member of this group is logged on, one can specify a secondary operator team, whose members only are granted access when no member of the primary operator team is logged in.
One does not necessarily have to configure operator teams.
Note - The default operator team All cannot be deleted. It contains all users with Operator access rights. Newly created operator logins will automatically be added to this operator team.
The dialog displays a list of all configured operator teams. An operator team is defined by an arbitrary name and a selection of team members. If you add a new operator team, it appears under the default name New as long as you have not edited the Team name setting. You may remove a list item from here if it is no longer needed.
Adds a new item to the list. To define its properties use the settings on the right side of the dialog.
Deletes the currently selected item(s) from the list.
Team name: The team name must be unique in the system.
Team members: Lets you view and select the team members. To select from all operators currently known to the system, click the browse button in the main value field. The Select Team Members for Operator Team <team name>" dialog appears.