Emergency access
Providing emergency access to the Trimble 4D Control Server UI
Trimble 4D Control Server offers an emergency access function to be used if the technical database does not work and, therefore, normal user authentication using the Administrators database table is not available.
The emergency access will not be available,
- if the DBServer service is up and running, and
- if the Trimble 4D Control Server database is accessible, and
- if a user name definition is missing.
Trimble recommends the Trimble 4D Control Server system administrator to set up the Trimble 4D Control Server system with a secure emergency access, doing the following:
- At the computer where the Trimble 4D Control Server UI runs, edit the registry keys in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Trimble\Trimble 4D Control Server\EmergencyAccess registry branch.
- By default, the Emergency User value is trimble. To better protect the usage of the emergency access, edit the value. To disable an emergency access, delete the default entry and leave this value empty.
- The default Emergency Password is trimble. For security reasons it also should be changed.
- If emergency access should be allowed from several connected computers running Trimble 4D Control Server UI, step 1 must be repeated on each of these computers. Emergency access will only work with the user and password provided at the computer where the UI is connected to.
- Backup the information on the user name and password at a safe location.