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High Rise Map 2D view

The High Rise Map 2D view displays for all stations the current offsets from the known position (displacements) in graphical form. For each station, it displays the reference position and, as soon as it is available, the estimated position. Error ellipses and height bars indicate the 3-s error; the difference between the estimated and the input position is shown by a solid line and height bar. A triangle indicates the station that serves as reference. A grid and a reference scale roughly visualize the scale of the map. How to navigate the map is described here.

With exception of the station marker, the color of the graphical elements does not imply the quality of the position estimation. If no data is available for a station, the circle indicating the respective station is red. Fixed stations display a blue triangle. All other station data are given in green.

The graphical symbols and their properties

To view the detailed description of the graphical elements click here.

By left-clicking at any of the graphical elements you select it and can view their properties, if the Properties view is open. If you hit more than one element with the cursor, a shortcut menu appears and lets you select one of the elements.

Right-clicking into the view opens the shortcut menu with the Properties command, which opens the Properties view.

Tip - To open the Properties view with the settings of an element, first left-click the element, then right-click and select Properties from the shortcut menu.

To view a table of the selectable properties, click here.

Layers in the map

The graphical elements of the map are organized in layers. Select the map information according to your needs by toggling the display of layers.

To do so, do the following:

  1. Right-click into the background of any map. Make sure not to click one of the graphical elements of the map.
  2. Select the Properties shortcut menu command. The Properties view displays the Map2D Layer category.
  3. Select the setting referring to the appropriate layer and toggle its activation status: Yes enables showing the graphical elements connected with this layer, No disables their display.

Scales in the map

The map display distinguishes between baselines, stations and measurements. Error ellipse, error height, 3D displacement and height displacement are measurements. Stations are displayed with a scale-independent graphical symbol.

For measurements, the map uses a different scale than for baselines. The reason for this is that the typical measurement value ranges from sub-centimeter level up to several decimeters, while baselines may extend to tens of kilometers.

The baseline scale is displayed in the legend of the map and can be changed by zooming the map.

The measurement scale, however, is not subject to zooming, thus keeping the display of all maps in a system comparable to each other. For more information on how to influence the size of the graphical elements of the measurements click here.

See Also

High Rise Adjustment Result view

High Rise views

High Rise Properties dialog