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High Rise Adjustment Result view

The High Rise Adjustment Result view gives numerical information on the status of the adjustment and the current coordinates of network stations. Above the table, the last acquisition time, northing and easting corrections are shown, if an In-Place Inclinometer is selected.

Points / stations with fixed coordinates display the control point icon status icon.

Displayed information

The table of the Adjustment Result view displays the current positions and adjusted displacements (D) from the given positions of each station in numerical form.

The table has columns for the station status, the station name, ID (by default not displayed), and code, the adjusted coordinates and the displacements in the three directions (Easting, Northing, Height), two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) displacement, and the 3-s standard deviations (errors) for these values. All values are in given in the selected length unit and in the format of the selected coordinate system. It also displays the epoch of the last update, that is, the last processing time.

Tip – If the displacement values of all stations seem to be considerably high, consider to check the input coordinates of the fixed stations and to choose different stations as references.

See Also

Adjustment functionality in High Rise

High Rise Map 2D view

High Rise views

High Rise Properties - General Settings

High Rise - Monitoring High Rise structures during construction