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Data Logger Properties - General Settings

When you add the Data Logger module, the Data Logger Properties dialog appears with this tab.

If you select the module in the Tree view after you have added the module, the categories and settings of this tab appear in the Properties view.

Note - This module depends on valid file content. Therefore, you cannot add a Data Logger module to the tree, unless a DAT file is available.

The General Settings tab presents you with the configuration properties of the Data Logger being either inserted or edited. All fields herein must be completed when inserting a new instance of this module.

Data Logger Information category

The settings of this category specify the data logger hardware. All settings are required and only editable, when you are adding the module.

Manufacturer: Use the edit field to specify the name of the manufacturer of the data logger. The Data Logger module supports arbitrary manufacturers.

Model: Use the edit field to specify the data logger model. The model must be capable of outputting of geotechnical sensor data in a data file matching some format conditions.

Serial number: Specifies the serial number of the instrument being emulated.

Data Logger Settings category

It is necessary for the data logger that is being emulated to be physically installed and connected to the server. It must be operational and must be writing data files to a known Data Logger file folder at the time of configuration of this module. The logger data file must exist in the folder at the time of installation and activation of this instance of the Data Logger module.

Note - Before the data file is read, the Data Logger module renames the file and adds the extension .import. This file is kept until the Data Logger module recognizes the next data file. The data logger software should be configured in a way, that if the Data Logger module is disabled, it will append the data to the data file in anticipation of the Data Logger module being enabled. Make sure that the file output option in the setup procedure of the used data logger software is configured to append data to the end of files to enable this.

Use header file: This property specifies whether or not the data column headers presented in the drop-down menus of the geotechnical sensors are taken from a separate header file. This makes sense if the data file created by the data logger does not contain column headers. Thus, one can create a header file on its own to fill the drop-down menus with its headers.

Header file: This option is only available if the Use header file property is set to Yes. It specifies the location of the file containing the headers of the columns in the data file. To select or change the destination, set the focus into the value field and click the browse button. A standard Windows file selection dialog appears. After you have selected the path and file, this information appears in the value field. The Data Logger module immediately parses this file and extracts the data column headers which it presents as header options in the drop-down menus of the geotechnical sensors which may be configured using the Geotechnical Sensor Information dialog.

Data file: This property specifies the location of the data file being deposited by the data logger being emulated. To select or change the destination, set the focus into the value field and click the browse button. A standard Windows file selection dialog appears. After you have selected the path and file, this information appears in the value field. If no specific header file is used, the Data Logger module immediately parses this file and extracts the data column headers which it presents as header options in the drop down menus of the geotechnical sensors which may be configured using the Geotechnical Sensor Information dialog.

Note – The data file must be present and being updated by the data logger that is being emulated. The Data Logger module renames this file before reading, adding the extension .import. It watches the folder continuously for the subsequent version of the file delivered by the data logger. If the data file does not exist at the time of configuration of the Data Logger module, then no sensors can be connected to this module and the module configuration will fail.

Header row number: This option is only available if the Use header file property is set to No. In this case the data column headers are read out of the data file. The property determines the row number in the data file containing the data column headers. By default set to 2.

First data row number: The row number in the data file containing the first line of sensor data. By default set to 5. This means that the first four lines of the file contain header information or other contents.

Timestamp column: The column number containing the data time stamp. If the data file or -if needed- the separate header file have been selected the drop-down list is filled automatically. Select the time stamp from the drop-down list. By default set to column 0.

Delimiter: This option sets the text delimiter separating the data columns. You can select between the following delimiters: comma (,), semicolon (;) slash (/), and backslash (\). By default set to comma.

Enable: This property activates the Data Logger module and starts the file watch process in which the Data Logger module watches for the data file being delivered by the data logger software. On locating the file, the Data Logger module backups the data file by adding the extension .import in anticipation of the following file, extracts the data, checks for data integrity, activates appropriate alarms in the event that data integrity errors are located, processes the data, and prepares the data for further analysis.
The properties of the geotechnical sensors selected for this instance of the Data Logger module may only be edited whilst the Data Logger module is disabled.
The default value is No. Once the configuration is complete, one can set the Enable property to Yes.

Tip - The module's shortcut menu options Enable File Import and Disable File Import also toggle the Enable setting.

Sensors category

Geotechnical sensors: This property enables you to insert and individually configure each sensor connected to the Data Logger. To view and edit the sensor information set the focus onto the Geotechnical sensors value field and click the browse button. This opens the Geotechnical Sensor Information dialog which will provide the facility to insert the sensors properties for the physical sensors which are providing the data contained within the data file. After you have specified the sensor properties, the value field displays the number of selected sensors.

Alarming category

These properties are used to define the parameters applicable to alarm conditions.

Sensor failure interval [epochs]: This property pertains to the Sensor Failure alarm. A Sensor Failure alarm is triggered if a data set is available for a Data Logger data acquisition epoch, but data is missing for one or several sensors. Use the setting to specify the minimum number of epochs, for which data may be unavailable before the alarm is triggered.

No data interval [hh:mm:ss]: This property pertains to the No data alarm, which is triggered if the data file is unavailable for the specified period. Additionally, it represents the interval (in hours:minutes:seconds) of missing data sets within the data file that would represent a break in data sufficient to cause a No data alarm to be triggered. Make sure that this interval is greater than the Collection Interval configured in the Schedule setup in the data logger software and applied by the data logger when reading the geotechnical sensors.

See Also

Configuration dialog

Example for a data file

Geotechnical Sensor Information dialog

Enabling the Data Logger module

Alarm Manager