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Slope distance monitoring

For terrestrial applications, Trimble 4D Control Server supports monitoring the slope distance component additionally to the 2D or 3D displacements. The slope distances can be used in the engines processing terrestrial data; alarms can be generated for measurements exceeding given thresholds.

The D slope distance is a simple difference: slope distance of the current measurement minus slope distance of the reference measurement. The current atmospheric conditions are respected for this comparison.

Alarming on slope distances

Use the Integrity Monitor properties to set the thresholds for slope distance displacements that cause an alarm. Keep in mind that a warning has smaller thresholds than an alert; that means that an alert is more critical.

Slope distance views

The Integrity Monitor module visualizes the history of slope distance displacements in its Slope Distance Chart view.

Measuring the slope distance only

If the measurement conditions are bad, it may happen that the total station's tracker cannot lock the target, and the measurement fails. To avoid a situation without any measurement, set the Enable slope distance fallback property of the respective Data Collector module to Yes. In this case, the tracker is disabled. The total station system tries to measure the slope distance. Points with no other measurements than slope distances are not displayed in the Displacement Chart view.

Note - The fallback to slope distances only applies for distances of 400m and more.


To create reports from the Integrity Monitor module's data, use the Trimble Report Generator application selecting from the Slope Distance Displacement report type. The DeltaTerrSlopeDistanceHistory_IntegrityMonitor_<config name> database tables contribute to these reports.

See Also

Integrity Monitor Properties dialog

Integrity Monitor Slope Distance Chart view

Integrity Monitor views

Adjustment functionality in Integrity Monitor

Position update functionality in Integrity Monitor