The TCP/IP connections come in pairs: there is a TCP/IP server and a corresponding client. Due to the TCP/IP communication concept, there is always one server and one or multiple clients connected to it.
To configure a TCP/IP client connection, select the TCP/IP Client connection type. The properties of the Connection Settings category adjust themselves for the selected connection type.
Server name: Specifies the name (IP address or host name) of the TCP/IP server host socket.
The following options let you specify the port number at the server the TCP/IP client connects to.
Dynamic port number: With the default setting No, the Port number property becomes available. Use it to specify the port number at the server. For setting up several modules of the same type in a step, set the value to Yes and specify an offset for the port number using the Offset port number property. Trimble 4D Control Server then will dynamically create port numbers for each module.
Port number: Only available, if the Dynamic port number property is set to No. Specifies the unique IP port number which will be used for the communication using the TCP/IP protocol.
Offset port number: Only available, if the Dynamic port number property is set to Yes. Specifies an offset to which individual port numbers are added. The individual port numbers are derived from the Station IDs of the station used by the module you are setting up or by its parent module. The following is an example for an Offset port number value of 3000 and a Router module below a GNSS Receiver module whose station ID is 1022. In this case, the automatically generated port number for the Router module is 4022.
The following options let you define the behavior of the TCP/IP client, when the connection to the server was interrupted:
Automatic reconnect: A shutdown of a device or a breakdown of the network connection (for example, an unplugged network cable) may cause an attempt to automatically re-connect. If set to Yes, the Reconnect delay setting becomes available.
Reconnect delay: Only available if Automatic reconnect is set to Yes. Specifies a delay time, after which the client will attempt a re-connection to the server. Note that in the case of an unplugged network cable of the server, the client will now continuously try to access the server in the specified interval until it succeeds. Default: 10 seconds.
Use IP authentication: Only available for receiver types, which may restrict the communication to known users. If set to No, no authentication is required. If set to Yes, an encrypted challenge / response DES (Data Encryption Standard) mechanism is applied, which initiates the login. The additional Authentication key setting becomes available.
Authentication key: Specifies the authentication key to be used to encrypt the response message for the DES authentication. The key consists of 7 (or more) ASCII characters (no spaces).
Use a plain password: Only available for receiver types, which may restrict the communication to known users. If set to No, no authentication is required. If set to Yes, a clear text password will be sent to the TCP/IP server. The additional Plain password property becomes available.
Plain password: Specifies the clear text password for authentication. A carriage return character will be added before and after the password string.